Team example

Our Team

Albert Flores
Brooklyn Simmons
Lead Manager
Cody Alberto
Head of Design
Darlene Robertson
Marketing & Sales
Albert Flores
Brooklyn Simmons
Lead Manager
Cody Alberto
Head of Design
Darlene Robertson
Marketing & Sales
Albert Flores
Brooklyn Simmons
Lead Manager
Cody Alberto
Head of Design
Darlene Robertson
Marketing & Sales
Albert Flores
Brooklyn Simmons
Lead Manager
Cody Alberto
Head of Design
Darlene Robertson
Marketing & Sales

David Ooi

General Manager


WhatsApp maximises your business opportunities

WhatsApp Shop

Customised shopping experience for your business. Integrate your business seamlessly with WhatsApp.
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WhatsApp Team Inbox

Seamless collaboration with the team. Use the same platform across teams for better customer support workflow.
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WhatsApp Notifications

An essential tool for e-commerce. Send automated notifications for your customers throughout their shopping journey.
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WhatsApp Marketing

Send 2,000+ broadcast messages with a single click to strengthen the relationship with your customers
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WhatsApp Chatbot

Automated chatbot with instant responses. Set up a chatbot as your 24/7 customer service.
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WhatsApp Pay

Get paid directly on whatsapp. Integrate your business seamlessly across apps and payment systems
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