
Angel Beauty

With ChatDaddy's website order auto-push system, customers can receive a thank you and order confirmation message from Angel Beauty on WhatsApp after placing an order.

Angel Beauty 天使美容 ~

It’s normal for ladies and women to love beauty, and if a woman has to face various skin problems, there’s no need to complain all the time. Angel Beauty is intended for ladies who love beauty, and they have more advanced facilities than smaller beauty centers. Angel Beauty offers beauty services, laser treatments, slimming services, and various kinds of services, such as spa and relaxation, which genuinely address the needs of every beauty lover and allow customers to look their best and feel confident.

With ChatDaddy’s multi-person customer service function,
Your beauty consultants are always online to support you.

Every day, many customers from the Angel Beauty website come to WhatsApp to ask for beauty services. In addition to beauty services, customers also consult beauty advisors about wellbeing and health. Therefore, immediate responses from beauty consultants are really needed on WhatsApp. ChatDaddy’s multi-person customer service feature can easily solve this, and beauty consultants can reply to guests’ inquiries and provide more information about health and wellness online, constructing a more profound relationship and experience with customers.

In addition, there are often beauty consultants who have no time to respond to customers one by one on WhatsApp during the rush hour of the day. ChatDaddy has a feature - Chatbot Keyword Reply; beauty consultants can set up the auto-response on the message template in advance with no coding needed. When customers send inquiries, the Chatbot Keyword Reply system can automatically reply based on the relevant keywords, which successfully fills the gap when beauty consultants cannot reply to customers when they are busy and achieves the effect of a seamless reply.

Save 3x time of replying to customer messages and automate the workflow with a simple click, which is really useful for our business.

Jenny. L | General Manager

Image Source: ChatDaddy Multi-Person Customer Service Feature
After shopping on Shopline and Shopify
Customers receive an instant thank you and order confirmation from Angel Beauty

Nowadays, beauty isn't just for women, but also for men who are more and more concerned about their appearance and beauty care. Hence, Angel Beauty has brought its own products to Shopline and Shopify, making it easy for customers to purchase Angel Beauty's own quality products through the online store. With ChatDaddy's website notification system, customers can receive a thank you and order confirmation message from Angel Beauty on WhatsApp after placing an order. Shipping notifications are sent to them even before delivery, which really increases customers' confidence in the online store as well as their repurchase rate.

Angel Beauty believes in making women and men look their best, but it takes passion to turn an interest in beauty into a lifetime career. We believe that the optimization function of WhatsApp and the workflow automation are very important for the companies.

Now you can make an appointment for ChatDaddy's one-on-one coaching or Go to WhatsApp consultation to customize the best WhatsApp optimization features for your business.

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